10th August – día 9

PABLO wrote

This first week I went to watch the final of Jack’s gaelic football championship. I enjoyed very much the match but I was a bit nervous because in despite they won the tournament the match was very close and there was extra time.

All the people in the club were very happy when they won and we had a party afterwards.

After the Final with Jack and his granddad

After the Final with Jack and his granddad

The next day I went to BMX with Katie. When I started I was a bit nervous because I live in the city more or less so I’m not used to riding a bike , but I started doing the small tracks and I got used to riding the BMX very quick and I finished doing the bigger tracks. I had fun and next week we’ll go again because I love it.

Finally in the last day of the week we went to Jump Zone. ( Zona de trampolines y colchonetas) and I had a good time with my Irish friends.

with Esti and Marcos at JumpZone

with Esti and Marcos at JumpZone

JACK, Pablo’s Irish brother, wrote

Pablo is here a week and we are having a great time. We have been to a lot of fun places including jump zone.

At jumpZone with Jack

At jumpZone with Jack

Last night we watched the amazing Spiderman and Pablo loved it so today we watched the second part.

NATALIE, Maria’s Irish sister, wrote

Beach today: we walked the dogs and climbed the rocks it was great hahahha
I did Iciar’s make up


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summer.in.ireland@gmail.com | Telf.655 56 37 25 | 948 044 099

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En la academia THE POINT, Señorio Echalaz 2, 31016 Pamplona

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