11th July- Causey Farm

Que excursión mas bonita hemos tenido en Causey Farm! Hemos hecho pan, ordeñado vacas, bailado bailes irlandeses, y hasta nos hemos metido en una piscina de barro!!! Tenemos un montón de cosas que contaros!

Gonzalo Daza nos ha enviado esto: «Today we had gone to a farm where we had done many things: First, we had made some bread. Then, we had gone to the mud. And finally, we had gone to a shop and we had bought candies. It has been very funny!».

Amaia Hernández nos contaba lo siguiente: «Yesterday in the morning I went to a Supermarket then we were in St. Peters church and we saw the head of St. Oliver Plunkett. At the lunch time we returned home and we had lunch early. At 3pm we took the car and we went to Dublín to Susan’s mother’s house. Then Susan and I took the train and we went to Dublín city we bought a Dublín jersey in Arnotts and then we returned to her mother’s house again to have dinner. At 10pm we went to our home.»

También Juan Otazu nos ha mandado unas palabras para que sepáis lo bien que lo está pasando:» Today I woke up early because I had to go on the Wednesday’s trips, Causey Farm. In Causey Farm we had a lot of fun. We made bread, we saw animals and we went into the bog, that was my favourite part!!!
When I went home I played football with my Irish friends and my team won!! Later, we had dinner and watched a Netflix movie. It was a really exiting day!!!»


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summer.in.ireland@gmail.com | Telf.655 56 37 25 | 948 044 099

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En la academia THE POINT, Señorio Echalaz 2, 31016 Pamplona

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