5 days before I leave and lots of plans ahead! Hahaha 😉
Today, we’ve been to Newgrange and to Mellifont Abbey. Both places from my point of view, have been very very interesting and I highly recommend to go there. However, I have to say that the day has been fantastic mostly because I’ve met new people.
As you can imagine, we’ve been speaking in Spanish all the day but well, the tour guides we’ve had in both places we’ve gone, spoke in English so it hasn’t been a day completely speaking in Spanish 😉
We’ve taken lots of photoes and I have had a very good time.
This evening, we are meeting again (in this case, I think only girls) because we’re going to see some Irish dancing in a village near Balbriggan so well, I will talk about them another day!
5 dias para irme y todavia muchisimos planes por hacer! Hahahaha 😉
Hoy hemos estado en Newgrande y Mellifont Abbey. Ambos sitios desde mi punto de vista muy interesantes, y es por ello que recomiendo totalmente la visita.
Aun y todo, tengo que decir que el dia a sido realmente fantastico mas que todo por las chicas que he conocido. Como os podeos imaginar hemos hablado en castellano, pero bueno, las guias que hemos tenido en los dos sitios que hemos ido han sido en ingles, asique no ha sido un dia hablando todo el rato en castellano. Nos hemos sacado muchisimas fotos y yo por mi parte me lo he pasado de maravilla.
Esta noche nos volvemos a juntar (creo que solo chicas) para ir a ver bailes irlandeses a un pueblo cerca de Balbriggan, asique ya os contare otro dia como nos ha ido!
Yesterday I visited two nice places with the other Spanish guys and with them Irish brothers and sisters. We woke up very early because we had to be in the bus at 9 o’clock more or less. The fist place we visited was Newgrange, it’s a very old monument, but the special feature is that the sun only enters here once every year. To finish our excursion we went to Mellifont Abbey, there a guide explained us everything and then we all took lots of photos. To finish my day I went with Tom and one of his friends to a disco, we were there until 12 o’clock and then we returned to his house.
Hi, Today i woke up and I had my breakfast. I got dressed and we went to newgrange. We saw lots of interesting things and then we went to melli font. We had lunch there and we became home. That ‘s all for today.
hi! Yesterday we went to Newgrange and saw the neolithic tomb and then we went to mellifont abbey .
At night we went to see the Irish dancing , we danced a lot with the Irish people.
My first time in the horses rices. It was wonderfull !!! You can see me, I was really lucky !! But no, I wont win money but it’s a funny picture!! Ja, ja
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