12th July- Having fun and playing volley!

Otro jueves lleno de actividades y de diversión! Hoy hemos estado en Balbriggan como todos los jueves y hemos jugado a volleyball! Ha sido muy divertido y nos lo hemos pasado genial!

Garazi Berasategui os envía esto: «Today in the morning we went to do activities with the Spanish and I had a great time playing volleyball. When we got home, after having lunch, we went to the beach and we had a great time playing fotball and different games. We have bathed on the beach, and although it was a little cold I had a great time. After showering and having dinner, we have gone out with her friends and now we are going to watch a movie. Tomorrow we will get up at 4:30 to see the sunrise in the beach and then go yo Dublin. I can’t wait for it !!!!!»

También Paula Elizalde quiere contaros cómo está siendo su experiencia en Irlanda:» Today in the morning all the spanish group we have been playing volleyball together, and we have a lot of fun. In the afternoon my Irish family and I have gone to Drogheda town, and there we have been shopping in some shops. Finally we have the dinner in a restaurant, and the food was amaizing, I had a really good day»


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summer.in.ireland@gmail.com | Telf.655 56 37 25 | 948 044 099

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En la academia THE POINT, Señorio Echalaz 2, 31016 Pamplona

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