Hoy tocaba pasar tiempo con la familia irlandesa y mañana nos juntaremos todos, como cada jueves, para irnos de excursión; Newgrange y Waterpark. Se lo van a pasar en grande. Os mantendremos informados y subiremos algunas fotos, como de costumbre.
IÑIGO LACABE nos ha mandado unas fotos de lo que ha estado haciendo estos últimos días:
Yesterday we went to Malahide castle, it was mervellous. We had tea and scones with cream and jam for breakfast, they were delicious!
Later, we went to the playground and we had great fun in the swings and the web. The weather was sunny but suddendly it started to rain, I would had been surprised if I didn’t know Ireland’s weather.
Yesterday I went to Drogueda and I went with my Irish famiy shopping.
Today I stayed all the time playing outside with my new friends and with my Irish sister.
I’ve had a very good time.
Y la madre Irlandesa de SARA PRADOS nos ha mandado alguna foto mas:
Aqui también estamos