4th August

Ya llevamos casi dos semanas aquí, ¡qué rápido pasa el tiempo!

Llega el fin de semana así que toca hacer mil planes con las familias. Seguro que la mayoría aprovechan para hacer alguna escapadita a Dublín o irse de camping (muchos de ellos ya lo han hecho). Estos dos últimos días el sol nos ha sorprendido y hemos alcanzado ni mas ni menos que…..¡los 21°!
Ayer por la noche, ALICIA RUIZ nos mandó un pequeño texto contándonos lo que hizo el miércoles, acompañado de algunas fotos:

Yesterday I went to Dublin. We went to the Guinnes Storehouse. I love it, it was amazing. We saw how the Guinnes is make. There were also some tasting rooms but we couldn’t drink. Then we had some pizza for dinner. (We didn’t drink Guinnes).






SARA TERRADILLOS nos cuenta su día de ayer:

Yesterday we went to Newgrange with all of the Spanish students. We took a bus to this lovely place and took a tour around this ancient site.
We learned a lot of things, they said to us that Newgrange is a Stone Age monument constructed about 5,200 years ago. It is older than Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids of Giza!
Also we went to Funtasia waterpark in which we had so much fun.
About my Irish family, they have looked after me very well and they are lovely.
I usually go out with Ellie, my new Irish friend to walk the dog near the beach. Last friday my family brought me to the «Battle of the Boyne» in oldbridge, which is a battle that happened in 1690, it was a beautiful place. We always have a great time together!
Y nuestra nueva incorporación, GORKA, se ha juntado con los jugadores del Athletic en el aeropuerto. ¡qué casualidad!0804-gorka



Contacta con nosotros

summer.in.ireland@gmail.com | Telf.655 56 37 25 | 948 044 099

Ven a conocernos

En la academia THE POINT, Señorio Echalaz 2, 31016 Pamplona

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