1st July – We´ve done a lot of things

Ya casi llevamos una semana aquí y no hemos parado. Nuestros chicos tienen muchas cosas que contaros.
Por ejemplo, Iñigo Leza nos ha enviado esto para vosotros: “My blog: the first day I was very nervous because I didn’t know if my Irish family was going to be nice, but then I wasn’t as worried because my Irish family is very nice and very funny. My Irish family is composed by 6 people : Paul and Elaine, then by Ellie (13 to 14 years old),Calum (12 years old),Mia (8 years old) and Amelia (6 years old)
My experience this days:The first day I was very nervous but when we were arriving by car to the house of my Irish family I saw that they were very funny. I ate a sandwich and I went to bed.
The second day I was nervous because I didn’t know what to do, so I played football with Calum. At night I played with Calum and Ellie on the PlayStation 4, we played the game fortnite.
The third day I was more relaxed, in the morning we went to beach, we had a picnic and I had a good time because we played football and we swam in the sea and we saw two jellyfish. Then I went to the theme park and at night I played with Calum and Ellie on the PlayStation 4, we played the game call of duty ww2.
The fourth day in the morning we went to the beach and then we went to Elaine’s cousin’s house. It’s enormous and we had a barbecue, then we played football all day and a little bit of PlayStation 4 , when we went back to home we played PlayStation 4 and we went to bed.
Today we went to the zoo and we saw a lot of animals like tigers, penguins …etc, it was very hot , hotter than in Spain which is not typical weather for Ireland.

Itsaso de Diego también ha querido contarnos su experiencia. “Today we have been playing basketball with friends in the afternoon. It has been very fun. I’m having a great time here!”

Para terminar con el blog de hoy, os enseñamos el mensaje que nos ha mandado Hodei Guindo: “Today I’ve gone to the cememtery because James’ mother has died. After that, all the family have done a barbecue for lunch”


Contacta con nosotros

summer.in.ireland@gmail.com | Telf.655 56 37 25 | 948 044 099

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En la academia THE POINT, Señorio Echalaz 2, 31016 Pamplona

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