El viaje de ayer fue muy bien; un día largo en el cual hubo algún que otro despiste, pero con final feliz.
Después de 1 vuelo y 2 autobuses, a eso de las 19.30h, llegamos a Balbriggan; allí estaban esperando todas las familias. Muchos estaban nerviosos pero con ilusión de conocer a sus futuros “hermano/as” y “padres” y “madres”.
El día de hoy ha sido de periodo de adaptación, cada uno de ellos ha pasado tiempo con sus respectivas familias para conocerse un poco mejor.
A última hora del día Marta y Sara han mandado un breve texto contandonos lo que han hecho en su primer día. Parece que se lo han pasado genial!
Yesterday we arrived to Ireland and the weather was better here than in Bilbao!!
Today we went to the shops to find water bottles because until Friday there’s not going to be running water, but there weren’t any left so our neighbour had to lend us some.
Later I played badminton with my Irish girl and we spent the evening with her cousin.
The 24th of July we all met in Mendillorri and took the bus to Bilbao airport. When we arrived there, we had a lunch and a time to rest.
Later, we got into the plane and landed in Dublin airport. A bus was waiting for us to take us to Balbriggan. When we arrived, with nerves on top, we reunited with our Irish families. When I saw mine, I went directly to hug them. I was excited to see them, since it was the second time I came to this family. After we reunited, we made some purchases in Tesco and got home. Today is 25th July (Julia’s birthday). We have
done many things during the day and now we are really tired.
But the day has been really fun, like the four weeks that await me.
Aqui también estamos