Algunos de los chicos siguen enviándonos su colaboración con el blog, nos cuentan como lo pasan y como van estos primeros días… aunque parece que no se acuerdan aún del concurso de fotos!!
Mándanos tus fotos, con la familia, en la playa ,en el parque o donde quieras, recuerda que lo importante no es lo artístico de la foto sino que sea original, divertida, etc…
Yago wrote:
The journey day was exciting. Some of us haven’t been off his house so much time and less in a different country with a different culture. I met new people and I spent the whole day speaking. When we finally arrived Ballbriggan I met my Irish family. I love them despite they are totally different to Spanish people. I also like the house because it’s not an apartment like we’re used to.
This days they’re being really cold so we can’t spend many time outside. On Sunday evening we went to Ballbriggan’s castle and I’d loved it. It had amazing views. On Monday’s morning Lee (my Irish friend) and I have watched Transformers while we were having breakfast because that’s what Irish people do. They prepare his breakfast and they go to the sofa to watch TV. It’s strange that we don’t have lunch but we are eating little things until the dinner, the big meal.
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