6th July Viva San Fermín!


Hoy han empezado los San Fermines en Pamplona y aunque estamos lejos de casa muchos de nosotros hemos podido ver el chupinazo vía internet y disfrutar de ese momento.

Hoy también tenemos noticias de los chicos y chicas.

Natalia Rodrigo nos envía unas fotos y un comentario en cada una de ellas. Nos dice que antes de llegar a Irlanda estaba muy nerviosa y no sabía que esperar. Cuando conoció a su familia irlandesa todos los nervios se fueron y se lo esta pasando muy bien. En la primera imagen la podemos ver en el aeropuerto recogiendo a su hermana irlandesa, en la segunda estaba en Dublin y en la tercera se la hicieron cuando fueron a una fruit farm.

«Firstly, I have to say that before coming to Ireland, I was so nervous. I didn’t know what to expect, but I had nothing to worry about because my familiy is amazing, they are lovely. Here are some pictures of my family and I:

1st picture: In the first picture we are at the airport at 3am collecting my older sister Leila as she had been on holidays in Spain. I was very tired but it was worth it because I finally met Leila in person.
 2nd picture: In the second picture, my family and I are at the Pride parade in Dublin. It was a colourful day filled with joy. I enjoyed it a lot.
3rd picture: In the third picture I’m with my sister Romea. We went to the fruit farm where we saw this giant strawberry. There was a sign beside it that read “please keep off the grass” but we went on it anyway»
María Echeverria nos envía una bonita foto acompañada de un texto que dice así;
«Today it’s been a really nice day.
I spent the hole morning in Drogheda visiting the city and having fun.
And then after having lunch in a restaurant we’ve been sometime shopping
I’ve had a really good day!»
María ha tenido un día muy ocupado ya que ha estado toda la mañana en Drogheda, visitando la ciudad, de compras y comiendo en un restaurante.

Aimar Ibañez nos ha enviado un texto en el que nos dice que ha estado cortándose el pelo, comiendo en un restaurante italiano y tomando un helado cerca de la playa.

«Today, I have been doing lots of activities. In the morning I have been learning the village with my Irish friend, Jack. Later, we have taken a bus to Balbriggan to cut our hair. When the  time for dinner have reached, we have gone to drogheda to an Italian restaurant. And to finish with this day we have gone to a beach near Balbriggan to eat some ice cream.»

Y con esto, acabamos por hoy.

Bye bye and see you tomorrow!


Contacta con nosotros

summer.in.ireland@gmail.com | Telf.655 56 37 25 | 948 044 099

Ven a conocernos

En la academia THE POINT, Señorio Echalaz 2, 31016 Pamplona

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