10 días en Irlanda!
El tiempo pasa volando! Como no paramos, nos lo pasamos genial!
Mirad lo que nos cuenta Iñigo Silvela: «Yesterday we slept in a mansion in Belfast, North Ireland. The house was of a friend of my irish mom. The friend has 2 sons one boy and the other girl. The girl was playing with my irish sister. And the boy playied with my 2 irish brothers Xavi and Rafa and with me. We played fotball in the net of the garden. Then we played to the billar and at 2 o’ clock we dar fish ama chips. And at 4 o’ clock we went back house. There de played to the monopoly ama fifa.»
María Irigoyen nos ha contado también todo lo que está haciendo: Today when I get Up I have breakfast And then I Saw the chupinazo , I explain them how the San Fermínes are.Then they have a wedding so i stay at home And I go for a Walk. At the afternoon i went to balbriggan And after having a Walk I went to a gym I have a nice day today?»
Aqui también estamos