Menudo sábado! Con el buen tiempo que hace, no dejamos de ir a la playa y de disfrutar de los largos días de Irlanda! Si es que… Nos lo estamos pasando mejor que en San Fermin! Mirad lo que nos cuentan nuestros chicos!
Lucía Galán nos ha mandado esto: «Today in the morning I went to the beach with my old Irish sister to play volleyball and in the afternoon the three of us went to Dublin and we had dinner. I had a lot of fun and I feel so nice next to my sisters.
Last Saturday we went to Dublin, because was the Pride Day and we had a lot of fun, I had a nice day with my sisters and their friends.
I’m so sorry, but I’d couldn’t send this before because we saw a car accident and we stop to help a family and we are not at home yet.»
Nahia Lou nos ha querido contar qué tal le está yendo también:» We were yesterday night at a Barn Dance enjoying country music and irish atmosphere.»
Aqui también estamos