9th July- Third week in Ireland

Comienza otra semana en Irlanda con muchas ganas de hacer planes e irnos de excursiones! Estamos mejorando un montón el idioma mientras disfrutamos de una inmersión lingüística divertidísima.
Aquí os dejamos los mensajes que nos han mandado los chicos para vosotros.

Edur Rueda nos ha enviado esto: «In the morning I went to buy food then when I went back home I played hurling. After playing hurling I had lunch and at the afternon I played football. After dinner I went to a match of gaelic football.»

También nos ha enviado algo para vosotros Isabela Muñoz:» I play with my sister and irish brother, we went to the beach and we meet their family. I’m learning a lot of English, and irish culture. I enjoy a lot with my irish family and they are grate people. I’m very happy because they are like a new family fore me. I thing this is a very good opportunity fore learn and enjoy more another cultures and do things that are different of our normal routine.»


Contacta con nosotros

summer.in.ireland@gmail.com | Telf.655 56 37 25 | 948 044 099

Ven a conocernos

En la academia THE POINT, Señorio Echalaz 2, 31016 Pamplona

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