gaelic football

10th August – día 9


PABLO wrote

This first week I went to watch the final of Jack’s gaelic football championship. I enjoyed very much the match but I was a bit nervous because in despite they won the tournament the match was very close and there was extra time.

All the people in the club were very happy when they won and we had a party afterwards.
After the Final with Jack and his granddad After the Final with Jack and his granddad

The next day I went to BMX with Katie. When I started I was a […]

10th August – día 92014-08-10T23:50:30+01:00

4th August – día 3


Por fin hemos podido disfrutar de un buen día… y además aquí era fiesta, bank holiday weekend, fin de semana largo así que seguro que muchas familias han ido a pasar el día fuera!


Nosotros hemos estado en Ardgillan, es un castillo y un parque muy agradable que está aquí mismo entre Balbriggan y Skerries. El edificio está en una colina, rodeado de jardines con vistas hacia la costa y la localidad de Skerries. Se puede acceder peatonalmente desde la carretera a Skerries por unas escaleras sobre el ferrocarril que se llaman Lady […]

4th August – día 32014-08-04T23:05:30+01:00

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